Friday is almost here! I am heading to northern Michigan for the weekend and am looking forward to snapping some some winter wonderland photos and perhaps attempt snowboarding for the second time, depending on how adventerous I feel. It is so peaceful up state and relaxing to get out of the hustle and bustle for a few days. I also want to finish reading 'Naked' by David Seadris, so funny. He is coming to Detroit in April, I want to go!
Jewelry holders, jewelry holders, I love them. Our jewelry holders are completely handmade by my handy dandy beau and myself. He does the construction part in our workshop, aka the garage. Then we paint the box and complete the holder using eyelet hooks, piano wire, cork and a hanger for the back. Voila, you have a colorful way to display your jewelry. We have begun hunting for old frames and turning them into holders as well. I will post pictures of these soon. Back to making jewelry, watching Bravo, and listening to Junior Murvin.